Thursday, December 14, 2017

Yesterday's House Judicial Committee Hearing

Watched quite a bit of yesterday's House Judicial Committee hearing for DOJ and FBI antics. Quite apparent to me there is plenty of bias in the investigators and even some thinly disguised innuendo concerning getting rid of Trump if and when elected. There are some real good guys on the right side of things. Jordan, Gohmert and Gowdy jump out at me as the really tough questioners.
Of course Dems on Judicial Committee are certain that the hearings were about the various nefarious (but totally unprovable so far) doings of Donald Trump and company.
The weasel Rosenstein amazed nobody with his weasel-ish and non-answers.

1 comment:

  1. This is all just for show. The way I see it is that nothing is going to come out of it. I'd be surprised if it did.


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