Sunday, December 3, 2017

Fake News

Suspended for only four weeks!!!!  Really??!!!!  If that were me I'd be fired!!

1 comment:

  1. His report was left unchecked for 6 hours before the Network pulled the plug on it. Ross has a history of putting BS out there just to remain relevant.

    "(Ross, the ABC News correspondent who broke the faulty report, has had some high profile errors. In 2012 he faced a firestorm of criticism after mistakenly reporting that the shooter responsible for the massacre in Aurora, Colorado, may have had ties to the Tea Party.

    Over a decade prior, in 2001, Ross reported that Iraq leader Saddam Hussein may have been behind anthrax attacks on the U.S. The White House later said there was no evidence to back up those claims."

    Left un-checked for 6 hours, gave the left ample opportunity to load their ANTI-TRUMP talking points memos to the brim.....and we all know if how good they are at repeating lies until even they believe they are truths.

    At least Brian has not sexually assaulted Barbara Walters.....YET!
    Until then, he remains a valued employee of ABC News.



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