Friday, December 1, 2017

Illegal Immigrants

What a travesty that an illegal immigrant who was deported 5 times due to a long rap sheet and committed murder was found not guilty by jurors who I bet were illegals as well.  It's California after all.  Imagine how the family of Kate Steinle feels.  I certainly cannot!!


  1. It's obviously not an Illegal Immigrant issue....It is a GUN CONTROL ISSUE. If Frisco Law Enforcement had returned fire instead of reading him his SANCTUARY CITY RIGHTS to get on a bus, go home and return again, we would not be dealing with the breakdown in the rule of law that is re written every time a California Judge puts on his/her robe. Innocent citizens only have rights on paper, not in practice. If you choose to live in Frisco, live with it or move to........anywhere the rule of law is enforced not interpreted. SKOL!


    1. Speaking of guns..... He just HAPPENED to find the gun that was stolen right after he got out of jail ????!!!! Really???!!!

    2. I'm sure this sort of thing would never happen again. Oh wait! This just in:

  2. Those people in Portland don’t have a conscience. No feelings for the victims. Too bad a gun couldn’t accidentally discharge!!! What a waste of taxpayers money.


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