Wednesday, December 13, 2017

More Alabama

Latest results show Jones winning by a percent and a half, a far cry from the predicted 10%. If he had to win I'm glad it was by more than a half percent as that would have triggered an automatic recount. I'm over it, and don't need or want a recount.


  1. There are two ways to look at this.
    1) Very bad for the Senate Balance of power.
    2) With all the baggage the Judge had, all the money spent to defeat him on both sides of the isle, all the media against him, and all the phony hysteria from the left, he only lost by a handful of votes????
    While this is not a good result from a numbers point of view, it is by no means a defining moment for the whining lefties. If it were 1 1/2 % the other way there would be more lawyers in Alabama today than the DNC has on retainer.

  2. Bear,
    You are so right about the lawyers. I hadn't thought of that. Moore should have run on that. "If I win, the Alabama economy leaps ahead on the backs of lawyers". Too late now.


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