Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Alabama Election

Roy Moore isn't a great choice, but still better than most any Dem I can think of. Moore is 10 pts behind in latest Fox News poll, but as we know, polls can be wildly wrong, and Trump won Alabama by something like 30 pts. (going by faulty memory here)


  1. George Corley Wallace would have voted for him and double dated 12 year old cousins with him back in the day. It's Alabama man! It ain't Berkley. Skol!

  2. I actually voted for George when it was Tricky Dick, Humpty Humphry & George.

  3. Looks like it's over until the 2020 race. Roy Moore loses by about 1%. Couldn't overcome the onslaught of bad press. On the plus side, the GOP won't have to defend itself for electing a damaged candidate.
    I wonder if his accusers will just vanish back into the wood work.
    I also wonder if Al Franken will really resign. Have my doubts.

  4. If Moore won Mitchell would have wanted to expel him anyway. We're only one up in the Senate now. Not good!!! The Dems are now going after T to resign. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time women would come forward to accuse T. ESPECIALLY because of comments he made to Billy B.

    BTW - I CAN NOW SEE THE PENCIL!!!! Hip hip hooray!!!


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