Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year's Eve

My resolution is to write 2018 on checks right from the start. HA! That'll work.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


This is a LINK that goes to If I entered the whole URL like this: and highlighted it and clicked the link button above, it's also a link.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Voter Fraud Admitted!

It doesn't often happen, but every now and then an idiot, with excessive exuberation, blurts out the truth.

From The Western Journal

Admission about 15 second into video.
Now of course we wait for the investigation and charges. Waiting... Waiting...

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Seminole, FL


Not that I didn't take your word for it but I had to see for myself!  As you can see how happy he was to see me by the big smile on his face!!    Also he was more than overjoyed when I took a selfie!

Democrat Bubble

Is it overly optimistic for me to think the Democrat Bubble (Russia, Russia, Russia) (Trump, bad, bad , bad) is running out of steam and about to go boom? Seems that way to me.
Looking forward to comments.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Mary Anne and BB

Look who is doing well

Yesterday's House Judicial Committee Hearing

Watched quite a bit of yesterday's House Judicial Committee hearing for DOJ and FBI antics. Quite apparent to me there is plenty of bias in the investigators and even some thinly disguised innuendo concerning getting rid of Trump if and when elected. There are some real good guys on the right side of things. Jordan, Gohmert and Gowdy jump out at me as the really tough questioners.
Of course Dems on Judicial Committee are certain that the hearings were about the various nefarious (but totally unprovable so far) doings of Donald Trump and company.
The weasel Rosenstein amazed nobody with his weasel-ish and non-answers.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

More Alabama

Latest results show Jones winning by a percent and a half, a far cry from the predicted 10%. If he had to win I'm glad it was by more than a half percent as that would have triggered an automatic recount. I'm over it, and don't need or want a recount.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Alabama Election

Roy Moore isn't a great choice, but still better than most any Dem I can think of. Moore is 10 pts behind in latest Fox News poll, but as we know, polls can be wildly wrong, and Trump won Alabama by something like 30 pts. (going by faulty memory here)
With current events what they are, why not have a daily updated posting of Sexual Harassment charges being made against celebrities of all types including Politicians. We can categorize them all after the initial round of sensationalizing them in the media. IE: Denied and will lawyer up, Offered a Hallmark Apology (I sincerely apologize to any and all I have offended, suspended by employer, fired by employer, divorced, went for counseling, went on Dr Phil Show, blamed FAKE NEWS etc and THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT!

We can also offer full coverage (showing a blank page) of all women who have been charged with similar Harassment claims. Obviously Women School Teachers are exempt from this posting.


***We can call the posting "GROPE of 63"!!!!!!!!!

Trump and Diet Coke

Really??!!!  This is a story??!!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Pretty sure I can cut somebody off in mid sentence if I'm here monitoring all the time, which I won't be. Potentially and realistically somebody could rant all day and I might not see it until I looked at the blog that evening.
We can let anyone on that we choose. How that happens is I put the name and email on an approved list. Others could see the blog (I think) but not post or comment.
The mechanics of getting a name on is easy, the decisions as to who gets on and who gets blocked or yanked could be harder if we can't agree.
We don't want no SAFE SPACE.  Let er rip.

Safe space

You've got to be kidding me !!!!  Safe space???!!!!

Posting from phone

Doable but not very intuitive.

Post from tablet

From amazon fire tablet. Can't see link list.

From Samsung Android

Test of blog entry from Android phone.

Making Posting a Bit Easier!

There is a slide out on the right side of the screen just below the horizontal bar.
The top selection is a short list od links, one of which is "POST". This takes you to and at this point click on the "NEW POST" button at upper left. You'll then be on the page where you can create new posts. When finished, click on "PUBLISH" and then "VIEW BLOG" and you'll be back. It would be nice to eliminate some of this clicking, but at the present time I can't see how to do that.

Adjusting settings...

Found the setting for private/public blog. Set the blog to "Private" so only authors can read it and not the general public. This seems to me more like the email system we've been using.
There is also another setting that's like private but also allows access from a list of names as well as authors.
Always open to suggestions however, so let me know your thoughts on this matter.


Also fiddled with fonts and background image. It's not Calif fires. It's a sunset from Sebring Int'l Raceway.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Interesting article.  Trump does what he says he going to while others do not.


BTW – Put this on our Blog


Jerusalem and Peace in the Middle East

Interesting article.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Friday, December 1, 2017


Let's keep them!!

Illegal Immigrants

What a travesty that an illegal immigrant who was deported 5 times due to a long rap sheet and committed murder was found not guilty by jurors who I bet were illegals as well.  It's California after all.  Imagine how the family of Kate Steinle feels.  I certainly cannot!!