Monday, April 9, 2018

They (Them) is looking for an Emmy? Good grief.

Heard on radio this AM about the plight of poor Asia Kate Dillon. As I'm sure we all know (I didn't) Dillion is an actor (actress) in the show Billions. This person is somewhat confused about its (her) sex (she's a girl). Or as Wikipedia puts it: "Dillon identifies as non-binary and uses singular they pronouns."
OK then. They is (she is) annoyed that awards for their (her) profession are for male or female roles. Well this is clearly not good since they (she) doesn't know which one they (she) is. What's a non-binary (girl) to do? Clearly it wouldn't be right for they (them?) (her) to adapt to the situation, so it's only fair that the situation should adapt to they (her). Or maybe them (her). I hope they (the Emmys) can sort it all out for they (her). Or them (her).

This easily slips into the category of PID GAS. (Previously defined as "personally I don't give a shit") , possibly PMD GAS, (Pretty Much Don't Give A Shit). It is entertaining though.

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