Sunday, April 29, 2018

Leftist Sen Jon Tester Likes Single Payer

And another thing...
The VA is a perfect example of what happens when socialists are allowed to run amok. The VA is the perfect example of the much vaunted by the left Single Payer Medical System,and it's doing very, very poorly. We need to hear more about WHY the VA isn't running well. Adm. Jackson was in favor of breaking the grip of socialists on the VA and allowing some, just some, privatization. This is a huge no-no to the left to the point that character assassination was called for.  Sen Jon Tester (Dumb-ass Dem, Montana) was leading the charge with the most vile (unsubstantiated, as far as I know) accusations. He was Obama's and Harry Reid's fair-haired boy. That in itself would be enough for me.

Trump should decide to get somebody to run that can beat him this November. Yes he has to run this year. An opportunity that shouldn't be squandered. Montana is allegedly a red state. Tester is a supporter (Link here) of the Single Payer System to replace Obama Care. That's a "from bad to worse" situation. He also supports almost all the standard lefty causes.

His voice shouldn't be the loudest against Adm. Jackson, but it has been.

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