Saturday, January 13, 2018

Reality Check

Shit Hole. Shit Show. Similar expressions with similar meanings. Shit Hole BAD!! Shit Show, not so much if your name is Barrack Hussein Obama.

If you'd like to read all about it, See it HERE, at the Daily Caller.

Remember the outrage when he said that? Me either. I must be a racist.


  1. Never even heard he said it. Not surprising! Too bad someone didn't have a video of him saying it.

  2. President Trump's comments could have serious consequences if Haiti & the African countries respond by cutting aid to the U.S.

  3. There's something I hadn't considered. It could contribute to economic hardship for as many as no people at all.

  4. Due to Trump's comments Haiti has announced that it will no longer accept our $378 million a year in foreign aid!! (That would be the day!)


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