Friday, January 12, 2018

New Tax Law

What is your take on the new tax bill and these companies who are jumping out to announce pay raises and bonuses?  My (good) business sense tells me they should be waiting for next year AFTER they realize the benefit of it.


  1. Just heard an IRS announcement that the new tax schedules are out, and approx 90% of tax payers will experience a reduction in taxes. This exposes the lie, yet again, of the Dems that it's just a tax break for the rich.

    The early bonuses surprised me as well. Upon further review I remembered that 2017 was by far the best year for business for quite some time (due mainly to much reduced regulation that the left hated). I now think these bonuses were probably coming out regardless of the tax break, but because it was a really good business year.

  2. IMHO I think it had something to do with the reduced regulation that was costing businesses a lot of money. Good PR for the corporations.


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