Sunday, January 28, 2018


An anti-depressant for lesbians has been released. It's name is Tricoxagin. Who knows if it works.


"Hi, I'm Oprah.

I'm the spokesperson for Weight Watchers but can't control my weight. I tell you how to run your marriage but I can't commit to marriage. I tell you how to raise your kids but I don’t have any. I am very spiritual, but don’t go to any church or identify as Christian.

Even though I knew about Weinstein and the casting couch, I was silent, but I support the Me Too movement.

I am racist to the core, but blacks can’t really be racist, so that doesn’t count. I’m black and female, so I check all the boxes.

I praised Denmark for their Socialism, though I am a billionaire due to Capitalism, the economic system that allowed a dirt-poor child from Mississippi to rise to world-renowned fame and wealth.

The first time I openly endorsed a presidential candidate it was a black one, Obama. Before a black candidate, I was not political.

Vote for me, and I will give you transformational change, the kind you got from Obama.

In honor of Ingval Kamprad Ikea Founder who died yesterday....SKOL!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Clinton Foundation

Numbers taken from 2014 Clinton Foundation tax return:

"So it required 486 people, who were paid $34.8 million, plus $91.3 million
in fees and expenses, to give away $5.1 MILLION!
And they call this a CHARITY?"

Short article HERE.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

What is Fair

Our Country

Image may contain: 1 person, suit and text


I know its the Super Bowl, but Holy Crap...

Rejecting this ad for the official program, the NFL really sets itself apart from sane people. It may seem offensive to some, but not to me. And BTW, Goodell is an ass. His players are doing this for the communities they live in? (said in interview on Fox News) HA! They don't live in those communities anymore or anywhere near them. Does he think we don't know they're multi-millionaires?


The Manning Debacle

Unrepentant traitor Chelsea Manning is running for the US Senate in Maryland. As unsavory as that seems, fortunately it also seems it may be illegal. So there's that. It appears that there may be an official UCMJ status that pertains to this case. While the case from which the prison term came is under appeal (thanks Obama), the status of Unpaid Active Duty takes effect. Ha! Could be justice served. Active Duty personnel cannot run for public office. One can hope.
See the short ARTICLE HERE.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Reliable Source

The Gummit is shut down now. I got this message this morning from a reliable source:

"I turned off the Ballistic Missile Defense System as I left work last night. We should be fine for a few days, right?"

Steny Hoyer (House Dem Whip) not quite ready to work his ass off!!

Steny Hoyer really knows his doesn't know shit.

See it HERE!
(27 sec video. Audio needs to be turned on at lower right.)

Monday, January 15, 2018

DICK durbin

It may come as no real shock to most of us that DICK durbin is pretty much a shit hole himself. Powerline Blog has it HERE.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Reality Check

Shit Hole. Shit Show. Similar expressions with similar meanings. Shit Hole BAD!! Shit Show, not so much if your name is Barrack Hussein Obama.

If you'd like to read all about it, See it HERE, at the Daily Caller.

Remember the outrage when he said that? Me either. I must be a racist.

Friday, January 12, 2018

New Tax Law

What is your take on the new tax bill and these companies who are jumping out to announce pay raises and bonuses?  My (good) business sense tells me they should be waiting for next year AFTER they realize the benefit of it.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Trump wins again

Daytona Roar before the 24 - a practice session

Went to Daytona over the weekend to watch the Roar, a 3 day practice session for the Daytona 24 Hour race at the end of January. I try to do this every year. Very nasty weather there. Bear is right - Water freezes at 45° here. In the 30's both Saturday and Sunday mornings. There are 3 official classes of cars entered in the WeatherTech Sportscar Endurance series; Prototypes, LeMans Grand Touring, and Daytona Grand Touring. The Prototype class has 2 sub-classes (my term) DPi (Daytona Prototype international) and LMP2 (LeMans Prototype 2). I could further explain, but even I find it tedious. After the Daytona 24, the Sebring 12 Hour is next.
Some Examples:
DPi Acura:

DPi Cadillac:

LMP2 Oreca (Jackie Chan owns this one):

LMP2 Ligier:

GTLM Corvette:


Ferrari GTD with other cars:

Humor, or could be actual truth...

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Three classmates trying to Post something to the Classof63 site for 3 weeks......SKOL!

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The wintery weather hasn't left Florida entirely alone. This morning it was 32° at my house. This was NOT part of the deal.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Sanctuary cities

Let’s hope they do get arrested!!

Bear's Dog Jeff


Went down this morning to the Federal Benefits Office to sign-on my dog Jeff.

The woman said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw benefits."
I explained to her that my Dog is not a Christian, he is black, unemployed, can't speak English and has no clue who his dad is. 

He gets his first check on Friday.