Saturday, November 25, 2017

Possible Solutions to some problems

OK, I think I have a resolution. It's a bit of a pain, but it's a one time pain, so...
go to
If you're not currently logged into gmail, you'll be able to do it from here. The pain for me was remembering my gmail password. But google helps you with that.
Once you're logged in you should see this:

To see the Blog click  VIEW BLOG located under GroupOf63 
to enter a new post click the NEW POST button to the right of GroupOf63

Buzz, Sorry but it looks like you have to get a gmail account. I believe that can happen on the page (same as above) but I'm not sure since I already had one. Let me know if you can't get one there. It's not hard to get one, at least it didn't used to be.

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