Friday, November 24, 2017

JM. I see you as an author.
From the blog page click on the pencil at upper right. That will bring you to a Compose page where you can type to your heart's content. When you finish click on PUBLISH also at upper right. That ought to do it.


  1. This only leaves Jake, Buzzy, and Bear.

  2. Jim,

    I don't know about you but I do not know how to get on the blog page. This is the only page that I can get on. Were you able to get it? Thanks.

    1. I think I clicked on the little G+ icon and got to a Home page. From there, there was a pencil on the lower right side.
      Also if you see comments under your post you can click on that and reply.
      Hope this helps.

    2. Jim,
      Thanks but I tried that. Its okay as long as I can see comments and reply that is the important thing. Appreciate your help though!

  3. Be more specific. This is the only page... doesn't tell me what page you're on. is there a blue banner across the top?

  4. There is a blue line on top but there is no pencil or home on the upper right. On the upper left it says Groupof63.


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