Thursday, May 24, 2018

John O. Brennan - Communist?

Heard Newt Gingrich make a reference to former CIA Director John Brennan as a Communist. Sounded a bit over the top to me so I searched the inner webs for info. Imagine my surprise!
From Wikipedia:
In 1976, he voted for Communist Party USA candidate Gus Hall in the presidential election; he later said that he viewed it as a way "of signaling my unhappiness with the system, and the need for change."
Since this wasn't the position of Dog Catcher, this begs a number of questions. Among them:
--> When he was nominated to be CIA Director, who in the Senate thought it would be OK to approve the nomination of somebody who voted for a Communist for POTUS?
He was approved with a 63-34 vote. Interesting to note the thirteen Republicans who voted for him.(CLICK HERE) Even Bernie Sanders had a rare moment of clarity and voted NO!

--> What are his feelings now about "the need for a change"?
I know at least 7 people who'd like to change the status of John O. Brennan from walking around to sitting in PRISON.

--> Does he feel "the need for change" includes CIA/FBI involvement in dirty deeds with a political campaign?

I bet there are a number of additional questions.

1 comment:

  1. What a GREAT country! Where else do we let the most corrupt and useless citizens (CONGRESS) decide who should lead our INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY????.........NOT VERY INTELLIGENT is it?


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