Saturday, March 31, 2018

Sounds Like the Begining of a JOKE!


  1. So if you are OPENLY HETEROSEXUAL are you allowed to interview a Porn Star or would that make you a SEXIST PIG? I mean isn't that what "T" did? Wasn't he interviewing her for a possible appearance on The Apprentice? How can anyone not see the difference between AC's obvious prying and badgering questions to Stormy vs "T"s simple attempt at performing DUE DILIGENCE to see if she was actually qualified as a legitimate Apprentice contestant? Obviously she did not qualify and did not appear on the show. 10 years later she gets an interview on 60 Min. because the person performing DUE DILIGENCE is now POTUS. Is it really that difficult to get news worthy people for AC to interview? SKOL!

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