Monday, June 18, 2018

Why pick on the FBI???

The FBI is just using the same logic to defend itself the same way CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, WAPO, the NYT , AP, UPI, NEWSWEEK and all the rest of the LEFTIST ELITE MEDIA SUPPORT GROUPS REACT, WHEN THEY ARE CAUGHT WITH THEIR HANDS IN THE COOKIE JAR. Then they all rally together along with the DNC to repeat their CLONED TALKING POINTS in support of one another repeatedly, so as to brainwash their minions and try to convince the rest of us that IT MUST BE TRUE BECAUSE THEY ALL SAY SO. 

Of course there is no political bias!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Tax Windfall

“Politicians never accuse you of ‘greed’ for wanting other people’s money — only for wanting to keep your own money.” —Joseph Sobran
The Democrat response to GOP tax cuts provides a case study in both greed and hypocrisy. Prior to passage of the bill, Democrats excoriated it as an apocalyptic measure that would destroy the lower and middle class while making the rich richer. “Armageddon,” Nancy Pelosi warned — before she dismissed the cuts as “crumbs,” anyway. Now that the tax cuts have resulted in a massive influx of new revenue to the states, Democrat-controlled states are using every scheme they can think of to keep those tax cuts from staying in the pockets of American workers.
As the provisions of the proposed GOP tax cuts were debated, Democrats engaged in misrepresentation, lies and outright demagoguery to prevent Republicans from securing a legislative victory for President Donald Trump. Much of this related to state and local tax deductions, which Republicans reduced for higher earners in exchange for lower rates.
California Gov. Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown decried the tax cuts as “evil in the extreme,” while New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo hysterically labeled the bill as a “missile of destruction … aimed at New York.” The New York Times peddled the claims of “state and local officials in high-tax states like New York, New Jersey and California,” who warned the tax cuts would “strain state budgets.” Likewise, The Washington Post claimed the law would make it “harder for states and cities to pay their bills.”
Democrats, overcome with the vapors at the mere thought of workers keeping more of the money they earned, have not only been strangely silent on the actual impact of the tax cuts, they are quietly maneuvering to steal all of its benefits.
The Republican tax cuts have generated significant new revenue by expanding the base of taxpayers while simultaneously limiting tax deductions and lowering rates. In other words, more people pay to fund the government they say they want, but each person pays a lower rate. This has stimulated wage increases, bonuses, capital investment, business expansion and repatriation of foreign profits.
So far this year, California has seen $3.8 billion more in tax revenue than the state projected. In New York, tax revenue exceeded forecasts by $315 million in February alone. Connecticut coffers were flooded with an additional $1.3 billion over projections, and Colorado ($197 million) and Minnesota ($416 million) are also projecting huge rewards.
For state governments, that is.
While legislatures in Republican-controlled states like Georgia, Idaho and Iowa have used higher revenues generated by the tax cuts to lower state income tax rates, Democrat-controlled states are looking for ways to spend the money before the taxpayers ever see it.
In Minnesota, for example, Democrat Gov. Mark Dayton vetoed a bill passed by the Republican-controlled legislature that would have prevented a tax increase on Minnesota residents.
It is abject hypocrisy to watch the same Democrats who wailed that the tax cuts would devastate their taxpayers now steal the additional wages right out of their pockets. For what? To justify more vote-buying schemes and government spending. And they are quite open about the fact that they don’t care if, much less how, it is paid for.
At the national level, Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI) introduced a bill to make most college free, but deflects questions about cost, admitting, “After the tax cut, there’s almost no enthusiasm for worrying about how to pay for new proposals.”
Indeed, much like the so-called “stimulus” bill (which never stimulated anything but Democrat cronies) passed by Democrats and signed by Barack Obama, Democrats see this flood of new revenue as an opportunity to fund a leftist wish list of government spending. Schatz aligns with Sen. Bernie Sanders in demanding “free” college. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) demand another $100 billion for education. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) has called for a “public option” (i.e., fully socialized health care) and expansion of Medicare by lowering the eligibility to age 55, and to do so with no budgetary offsets. Pelosi and other Democrats are calling for taxpayer-funded guaranteed jobs.
Pelosi was very ominous in an interview earlier this month, claiming the GOP tax cuts are “a dark cloud over our children’s future” and expressing deep concern about the growing national debt. Yet when asked how the guaranteed jobs would be paid for, she stated she would need to see first how much it might cost, before adding, with no apparent sense of irony, that “Democrats believe you must pay as you go.”
Yes, these would be the same Democrats who called President George W. Bush’s $4 trillion in new debt “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic” before racking up a staggering $10 trillion in new debt. These are the same Democrats who are willing to shut down government rather than concede to even minuscule spending cuts.
This whole process has proven definitively what Republicans have been claiming for years — namely, that people respond to incentives and disincentives accordingly. Democrats raise taxes on soft drinks and cigarettes to discourage their consumption, yet bafflingly, can’t grasp that higher tax rates discourage productive labor, capital investment and consumption.
But while Democrat brains seem impermeable to economic facts, we hope the American people will remember, come November, that rather than a Democrat-predicted economic Armageddon, these braying jackasses instead look foolishdecrying economic prosperity thanks to Republican efforts

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Government work!

If the Department of Veterans Affairs debacle taught us anything, it’s that government accountability has been virtually nonexistent. Things are finally beginning to change, however, thanks to the Trump administration’s no-nonsense approach to draining the swamp. On Friday, the president signed three executive orders that administer various forms of accountability across public unions. Here is a brief breakdown of each executive order:
  1. The firing process for unruly workers is now considerably quicker. Instead of receiving upwards of 120 days to demonstrate better behavior, workers are now limited to 30 days.
  2. Union leaders face time constraints as representatives. Their union work must now be confined to a maximum of one-quarter of work hours. There is also a proscription against using “official time” on congressional lobbying and acting as a proxy for “employees who have filed a grievance or are appealing an adverse personnel action,” according to Government Executive. Free rent and paid expenses are also henceforth forbidden.
  3. Collective bargaining arrangements face a one-year renegotiation deadline.
A quick aside: The Washington Post was quick to point out that the executive orders “can be undone by the next president.” But it apparently doesn’t share that view when it comes to Trump’s undoing many of Barack Obama’s blatantly illegal executive orders.
Predictably, Trump’s EOs prompted severe backlash. The American Federation of Government Employees fumed: “President Trump is attempting to silence the voice of veterans, law enforcement officers, and other frontline federal workers through a series of executive orders intended to strip federal employees of their decades-old right to representation at the worksite.” Moreover, AFGE General Counsel David Borer warned, “My lawyers are already looking at what possible violations of the law are contained within the executive orders, and we will take action accordingly.”

Furious as unions may be, though, the fair interpretation of the public union reforms comes via Sen. James Lankford (R-OK), who observed, “These executive orders strive to make the federal government more efficient, not only for the taxpayer, but for our great federal workers. We have thousands of federal employees who work very hard for the nation; it’s important that their work is not frustrated by the poor performance of a small few.” What Trump is doing is finally getting rid of the laissez-faire approach of past administrations regarding unaccountable public unions. As the VA proved, it could literally save lives.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

John O. Brennan - Communist?

Heard Newt Gingrich make a reference to former CIA Director John Brennan as a Communist. Sounded a bit over the top to me so I searched the inner webs for info. Imagine my surprise!
From Wikipedia:
In 1976, he voted for Communist Party USA candidate Gus Hall in the presidential election; he later said that he viewed it as a way "of signaling my unhappiness with the system, and the need for change."
Since this wasn't the position of Dog Catcher, this begs a number of questions. Among them:
--> When he was nominated to be CIA Director, who in the Senate thought it would be OK to approve the nomination of somebody who voted for a Communist for POTUS?
He was approved with a 63-34 vote. Interesting to note the thirteen Republicans who voted for him.(CLICK HERE) Even Bernie Sanders had a rare moment of clarity and voted NO!

--> What are his feelings now about "the need for a change"?
I know at least 7 people who'd like to change the status of John O. Brennan from walking around to sitting in PRISON.

--> Does he feel "the need for change" includes CIA/FBI involvement in dirty deeds with a political campaign?

I bet there are a number of additional questions.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Thomas Sowell

Dr. Thomas Sowell is an American intellectual giant .  He is a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and is an economist.  He was born in NC, but raised in Harlem.  Educated at Harvard, Colombia and Chicago and has taught at Cornell, Brandeis, The Urban Institution, UCLA and now at Stanford.